Holistic Mental Health & Neurofeedback Services
Walk and Talk Sessions
Walk and Talk Sessions are offered from my office in Star, Idaho. These sessions take place outside of the therapy office and involve walking and/or sitting in a public outdoor location while working towards your therapeutic goals. Walk and talk therapy sessions may be utilized for the entirety of your session or only part of it, depending upon your preference. Some clients enjoy the experience of movement and fresh air while talking or feel more comfortable talking side-by-side, rather than sitting face-to-face. Although walk and talk therapy might feel more like a social interaction rather than a therapeutic interaction, it is a therapeutic activity. Despite the relative informality of the interaction, the relationship between client and therapist continues to be entirely professional. In cases where there is inclement weather or situations that impose on the ability to implement walk and talk therapy, scheduled sessions will be carried out in the office setting or via telehealth. A separate consent form needs to be on file before Walk and Talk Sessions can begin.